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Up Coming Events (click to see detials)
"Childhood Dream" Concert

Your dreams is important
This concert is held for a child named andrew who have a dream of forming a band but will never able to play the guitar because of a car accident.
Andrew would attend the concert with the band.
Activity information
Name: Childhood Dream Concert
Performer: ThGreat1050, Andrew Logan
Date: 06/7/2018
Address: concert Nowhere, somewhere Str, Clayton, Melbourne
Ticket Information: Will be avaliable before July
Ultra Music Festival

Winter? Music has no winter!
TheGreat1050 is invited by the famous Ultra Music Festival!! The memebrs are all excited to join and performance in the festival. They will be there and looking forward to sing will you!
Activity Information
Name: Ultra Music Festival
Performer: ThGreat1050
Performance Time: Morning at 07/08 and 09/08
Date: 07/08/2018
Address: concert Nowhere, somewhere Str, Notting Hill, Melbourne
Ticket Information: Will be avaliable before Aug.
Speech in Monash Faculty of Arts

Never give your dream up
The band TheGreat1050 is invited by the well known university Monash to deliever a speech about their progress to achieve their dream.
Their would be one to one question section after the speech.
Activity Information
Name:Speech in Monash Faculty of Arts
Performer: ThGreat1050
Date: 10/09/2018
Address:E1, College Walk, Clayton, Monash University
Ticket Information:Only avaliable for Monash University students.